The Control Panel will allow you to consult all your operations, make refunds and other associated functions.

1. Access and Login

The access to the Control Panel is through the url

To access the Panel you must fill in the access form with your credentials which have been previously sent to your e-mail address.

2. Browsing

The Control Panel has a browser side bar, with which you can access all its functionalities:

  • Operations History
  • Refunds
  • Support
  • Exporting data

Through alerts, we also request that you complete an identity verification process. Through this process, initiated from the link included in the alert, you'll receive an e-mail in your registered account, including a link so that you can complete the verification process. 

3. Operations History

To consult the operations that you have performed, you must first choose the period of dates. To make it easier for you, you can also choose predetermined periods: today, yesterday, this week, last week, etc.

The list of operations includes all the details of each operation:

  • Amount. Total amount of the payment order.
  • Date and time. Date and time when the payment has been made.
  • Reference. Reference of the payment order.
  • Payment order ID. Unique identifier of the payment order.
  • Last Card Digits: The last four digits on the card making the payment.

You can also refund a payment order by pressing on the icon refund  which will lead you to the refunds section, pre-loading the operation for which a refund is desired.

4. Refunds

To make a refund, you must first locate the payment order. To do so, introduce the payment order ID or click on the refund icon from the Operations History section.

Once you have located the payment order, enter the amount to refund (total or partial) and click on “Make a Refund”.

5. Support

If you have any suggestion, query or incident, you can contact us through the Support form.

Remember that you can also contact us by email to the Support team: [email protected]. We will remain attentive to resolve your doubts as soon as possible.

6. Export

You can export the operations performed. To do so, choose the month and year from which you wish to extract the data. We will send you a file so that you can work comfortably.